Tuesday 17 July 2007

Review day...

I'm speaking to Sally

She says she will "have a look and see if she can find anything for me". I like to think she will find something as she has my account open in front of her, but let's see...

No. Nothing. She's put me on hold while she speaks to the provisioning team...

She's back. She says "it's failed its final line test and won't be reviewed until the 24th of July" to which I reply "Ok. How do I cancel my contract. I've been without broadband for over a month now so I think it's only fair that you let me cancel". I'm now on hold while she transfers me to another department, one which deals with cancellations.

The gentleman here (Naz from Middlesborough) is offering me a free month. Which is a bit of a joke as I haven't had broadband for a month, and he's putting me through to an English speaking technician so I can try and get this resolved. If they're not good he assures me I can ring back and cancel.

Worth a try...

... Apparently not. All they've offered to do is try again and fix it before the 24th. Naz refused to give me his surname for my records (as has everyone else so far, incidently, so I don't blame him) and I told him that I'll give them until the 24th to fix it, then I'm cancelling.

Another week of waiting.

Friday 13 July 2007

Another week to wait

Another phone call to the customer support team, and I've been told my situation is being reviewed next Tuesday (17th July).

I asked if "reviewed" meant "fixed" and was told that they didn't know. I asked if there was anyone I could speak to as this has been going on far too long now, and was told I could write and given the following address:

Customer Support / Complaints
Orange customer Care
PO Box 486
S63 5ZX

Thursday 12 July 2007

Two more attempts

A quick note of two more calls to Orange:

First, on the 11th July when I was informed I was due to be reconnected the following day (the 12th).

Second, on the 12th when I tested my connection and found it wasn't working. I was told it could take up to midnight to become active. I asked whether it would happen? I said I was extremely sceptical that I would ever be reconnected.

Testing the connection this morning shows it still doesn't work. I'll be ringing back later.